Pet photography is similar to portraits of little kids. The camera, lights and stranger can be intimidating and communication is difficult. To photo graph pets you need to develop a relationship with the animal so they can trust you. Of course a well behaved animal who listens to their owner will always make the shoot go more smoothly but when you don’t have a pet like Ellie (shown here) you can still get some great shots of the pets being themselves. If you can’t get them to sit still for a studio portrait take them out side where they can run and play. Get low and shoot at their eye level to help capture the world from their point of view. Pet photography can be challenging and very rewarding at the same time. My advise is to just be patient and learn to enjoy the animal and don’t be disappointed if the you struggle getting the correct shot. Some may be blurry just keep at it and with digital photography you can keep shooting until you get the shot everyone will love.

Pet Photography by Matt Halvorson Photography in Prescott Arizona