I went out hoping I would be able to photograph a rainbow but I came away with a very different photo instead. I got there early and bundled up trying to hid from the wind and rain while I waited for the sun to peak out during one of the moving rain clouds. Unfortunately the sun stayed behind some dark clouds until it dipped below the horizon. Luckily for me there must have been a break in the clouds to the north because the storm blowing to the east lit up like a wildfire. The timing was impeccable. It was the brightest just as the storm centered itself between the to islands in Willow Lake.

As the storm continued to move eastward I got up and moved to a new location to get a different perspective while keeping the storm fairly centered with the islands. By now the light was a little darker so I had to increase my exposure time from 1/3 of a second to a full second. This smoothed the water in the lake a little as well.
